About us

Quadrature’s artistic research focuses on data and physical experiments. The Berlin based artist duo understands technology as means to read and write realities. Together they pursues a transdisciplinary approach, using various media such as time-based performance and installation as well as classical sculptural and two-dimensional works.

For some years, the artists have been working on the methods and stories involved in exploring our world and the cosmos around us. For Quadrature the universe represents an intangible but very real place for their reflections, evoking both the most elemental emotions and the most advanced scientific theories. The boundaries and limitations the human mind and its physical representations encounter resonates in all their work.

The members Juliane Götz, Sebastian Neitsch and formerly Jan Bernstein (until 2016), have won several awards and scholarships for their artistic practice, including recognition by the Prix Ars Electronica in 2015 and 2018, scholarships from the Kunstfonds Bonn, Akademie Schloss Solitude and LaBecque, as well as a fellowship from PODIUM Esslingen and the Hertz-lab of the ZKM Karlsruhe (Centre of Art and Media). Their works are shown around the world in various festivals and exhibitions.

Awards / Residencies / Grants

2024 – Brandenburger stipend for visual arts (Juliane Götz)

2022 – stipend NEUSTART KULTUR for visual arts (2nd edition) (Sebastian Neitsch)

2022 – working stipend by Stiftung Kunstfond (Juliane Götz)

Sept – Dec 2021 research stipend for visual arts 2021 by Berlin Senat

Sept 2020 – Feb 2021 NEUSTART KULTUR – stipend for artist with kids, Stiftung Kunstfonds (Juliane Götz)

2020 art & science residence @ Tabakalera & DIPC (Donostia International Physics Center), San Sebastian, ES

2018 – 2020 Fellowship #bebeethoven  by Podium Festival and ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medien), Germany

2019 La Becque, Artist Residency, La Tour-de-Peilz, CH

2018 Japan Media Arts Festival, Jury Selection, Japan

2018 Prix Ars Electronica 2018, Honorary Mention, Linz, AT

2017 Japan Media Arts Festival, Jury Selection, Japan

2016 CynetArt Award, Nomination , Dresden, DE

2016 New Technology Art Award, Nomination, Ghent, BE

2016 European Digital Art and Science Network, Art&Science Residency Award with ESO (European Southern Observatories) and Ars Electronica, Chile / Europe

2015 Prix Ars Electronica 2015, Honorary Mention, Linz, AT

2015 Talents Contemporains, Nomination, Fondation Francois Schneider, Wattwiller, FR 

2012 Akademie Schloss Solitude, Artist in Residency, Stuttgart, DE (Juliane Götz)

2011 Kunstfond Bonn, DE (Sebastian Neitsch)

2011 Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, Artist in Residency, Istanbul, TUR (Sebastian Neitsch)

2010 Price for young Artists, Friedrichshafen, DE (Sebastian Neitsch)

2010 subnet, Artist in Residency, Salzburg, AT


2024 “sense & sense-abilities”, curation of Ars Electronica Campus Exhibition of Media Arts & Design Department of Bauhaus Universität Weimar, DE

2024 “Data as artistic material”, project class for bachelor & master, substituting for Prof. Ursula Damm @ Gestaltung Medialer Umgebung, Media Arts & Design, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, DE

2023 “Data as Material”, workshop for MA Information Design, Design Academy Eindhoven, NL

2022 “Sentient Media”, 2 week interdisciplinary workshop & collaborative prototyping, Matadero Medialab, Madrid, ES

2021 Lehrauftrag Stagebased Interaction, Master-Studiengang Interface Cultures, University of Art, Linz, AT

2019 “First encounters”, workshop, MA Design Explorations, Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavík, Iceland

2015 Visting Professors at Burg Giebichenstein, Kunsthochschule Halle, Halle, DE

2015 Workshops at NODE15 – Forum for Digital Arts, Frankfurt, DE

2013 Creative Physiscs, BTK Berlin, DE

2013 Creative Coding with vvvv, BTK Berlin, DE

2013 Workshop at NODE10 – Forum for Digital Arts, Frankfurt, DE

2012 Creative Coding with vvvv, BTK Berlin, DE

2012 Rustin Moto – building robots, Essential Existence Gallery, Leipzig, DE

2012 Creative Coding meets Mapping, Nilgi University, Istanbul, TUR

2011 Realtime Coding for beginners, Electrovisiones, Mexico City, MEX

2009 Realtime Coding for Beginners, Graz, AT

2009 Interaction Interfaces, Bilgi University, Istanbul, TUR

2009 Stagedesign Interactions, University of Art, Linz, AT


Götz und Neitsch
Ring 60
15754 Heidesee
(still close to Berlin…)


at vimeo


Responsible for all content: 
Juliane Götz und Sebastian Neitsch  / Ring 60, 15754 Heidesee /  Germany

Website by Fuchs Borst, a graphic design studio based in Berlin.

© 2013 Quadrature GbR.
All rights reserved.
Reproductions require written permission. Copying will be prosecuted.



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