25 Oct 2024 – 4 May 2025: extended > exhibition of SCOPE @ Earthwise, BATB – Beijing Art and Technology Biennale, PRC
27 Mar – 21 Jun 2025: group show Cosmopolitique, curated by Polynome @ Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch, Berlin, DE
25 Oct 2024 – 4 May 2025: extended > exhibition of SCOPE @ Earthwise, BATB – Beijing Art and Technology Biennale, PRC
27 Mar – 21 Jun 2025: group show Cosmopolitique, curated by Polynome @ Kunstbrücke am Wildenbruch, Berlin, DE
Stellar Scape @ Le Pavillon, curated by Marie du Chastel & Jos Auzende, Namur, BE
group show Derrière les étoiles @ Cube Garges, Paris, FR
group show Prologue: The First Contact @ Suhe Haus, Shanghai, PRC
extended!> group show Cosmos Archaeology @ Shanghai Astronomy Museum, curated by Iris Long, Shanghai, PRC
exhibition @ Noise Media Art Fair, presented by Ars Electronica, Palais Festetics, Wien, AT
extended! > RE COGNITION: WHAT IS REAL? – curated by Ars Electronica and Noiselab, at Çubuklu Silos, Istanbul, TR
The making of tomorrow | Catalyst lab & Deep vision @ A&T 5-10, Munich, Germany
group show Máquinas de ingenio. Jakintzen bidegurutzean @ Tabakalera, San Sebastián, Spain
Noise Media Art Fair, with NADO Curatorial Agency, Kadiköy Kent Museum, Istanbul, TR
Chengdu Biennale 2023: Time Gravity, Chengdu, Sichuann, China
group show Cosmological Events: Star-Pacing Songs @ Times Art Museum, Beijing, China
Screenings “One who suffers”, commissioned artwork @ Deep Space, Ars Electronica Museum, Linz, AT
group show Night is the Shadow of the Earth @ Click Ten, Beijing, China
Cosmological Elements, curated by Iris Long and Claudia Schnugg @ Fosun Foundation, PRC
Cosmos Archaeology – Explorations in Time and Space, exhibition @ EPFL’s Laboratory, Lausanne, CH
group show Festival X, Alserkal Avenue, Dubai, UE
group exhibition @ L’Ososphere, Strasbourg, FR
Fantasie#4 – exhibition at Subraum, ZKM, Karlsruhe
Cosmopolitique – exhibition @ Buropolis, curated by Polynome collective, Marseille, FR
LGM#2.2 Performance @ Open Lab, Matadero Madrid, ES
Sentient Media – LAB#01, collaborative prototyping laboratory, Medialab Matadero, Madrid, ES
group exhibition Device_art 7.021, curated by a curatorial team of Kontejner and ZKM, at Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, HR
performance at opening of BioMedien exhibition, ZKM, Karlsruhe, DE
group exhibition at Lab30, Kulturhaus Abraxas, Augsburg, DE
Le Cosmos District – group exhibition by L’Ososphere, Strasbourg, FR
live av performance in the Strasbourg Cathedral, Le Cosmos District by L’Ososphere, Strasbourg, FR
Shaping the Invisible World – group exhibition at HeK – Haus der elektronischen Künste, Basel, CH
solo exhibition In the Absence of Evidence, Galerie Liusa Wang, Paris, FR
group exhibition ‘Resonant Media’, NHK PLUS CROSS Shibuya, Tokyo, JP
Artist talk and performance at ‘inSonic 2020 – syntheses‘, ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, DE
C.R.E.D.O. – exhibition at Bundeskunsthalle Bonn with #bebeethoven, DE
‘Supraspectives’ – installative solo exhibition at Tabakalera, Donostia/San Sebastian, ES
group exhibition, Solar Orchard Garden & Stargazer, Ars Electronica Festival Garden @ Espronceda, Barcelona
group exhibition ‘Cosmogonie’ at Les Subsistance, Mirage, Lyon, FR
exhibition and performance ‘IN·VISIBLE(S)’ at Stereolux, Nantes, FR >
group exhibition ’40 Years of Humanizing Technology’ at Design Society by Ars Electronica and Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing(CAFA), Shenzhen, CH >
‘Musik und Weltall’ – Performance and Lecture at Planetarium Köln, for Blickwechsel by Kölner Philharmonie, Cologne, DE
group exhibition at Speculum Artium, Trbovlje, SVN
group exhibition at Criatek, Aveiro, PRT
LGM#2 – av performance at Future Soundscape Festival, Silent Green, Berlin, DE
group exhibition ‘Supre:organism’, Waag & Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen, Vijfhuizen, NL >
Fantasie#2 – Performance for objects hitting Earth’ atmosphere, AI and live musicians, Radialsystem, Berlin, DE
show with Galerie Liusa Wang at Gallery Spaces, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, AT
Fantasie#1 – av performance for radio telescope, AI and self-playing organ @ AIxMusic, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, AT
group exhibition ‘Futurs Incertains’, Musée d’art de Pully, Lausanne, CH >
Artist-in-Residency at LaBecque, Lake Geneva, CH >
AV performance at Soirée au Musée d’art de Pully with La Becque, Musée d’art de Pully, CH
Concert Performance at ‘urban string »freiheit«’ with Ensemble Resonanz at resonanzraum, Hamburg, DE >
A/V Performance for Organ, AI and Radio Telescope – PODIUM Festival Eröffnungskonzert, St. Dionys, Esslingen, DE
LGM#2 Performance and Panel Discussion at ZKM, Karlsruhe with #bebeethoven Showcase, DE >
group exhibition ‘THE NEW STATE OF THE LIVING’, Museum of Contemporary Art PERMM, Perm, RUS >
group exhibition ‘BAMBI GOES ART’, Kunstverein Hase29, Osnabrück, DE >
group exhibition LICHT.SCHATTEN.SPUREN for ‘100 Jahre Bauhaus. Das Eröffnungsfest’, Akademie der Künste Berlin, DE >
solo show ‘Noise Signal Silence’, Galerie Liusa Wang, Paris, FR >
Premiere of our new A/V Performance LMG#2 and Lecture at ‘inSonic – Immersive Future’, ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe, DE >
Pre-Premiere of our new A/V Performance LMG#2 at ‘Future Soundscapes Festival’, Silent Green, Berlin, DE
group exhibition ‘After Sunset’, Galerie Liusa Wang, Paris, FR
group exhibition 科学と芸術の丘 2018 – Matsudo International Art Festival, Prix Ars Electronica Selection: SPACE OF IMAGINATION, Matsudo, JP
group exhibition ‘Chroniques – Biennale des imaginaires numérique’, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, FR
group exhibition, CyberArts 2018 – Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition, OK Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz, AT >
‘Report – Notizen aus der Wirklichkeit’, Kunsthalle Osnabrück, European Media Arts Festival, DE
Orbits, Installation and A/V Performance at Muffatwerk, Munich, DE
Exhibition ‘Paysages à l’échelle’, Musée Hébert, Grenoble, FR
Space Improvisations, A/V Performance with Elina Albach (Cembalo), at Cyber Music Night at Silent Green, Berlin, DE
Solo Exhibition, Galerie Saalbau, Berlin, DE
Exhibition ‘Invisible Narratives’, Galerie du Beffroi, KIKK, Namur, BE
Exhibition, Ars Electronica Export, Drive Forum, Berlin, DE
A/V Performance Orbits and artist talk, Silent Green, Berlin, DE
Exhibition, Center for the Promotion of Science, Belgrad, RS
A/V Performance Orbits, Belgrad, RS
Exhibition Prima Materia, Fiber Festival, Amsterdam, NL
Exhibition (Im)matérialités, Mirage Festival, Lyon, FR
A/V Performance Orbits, Mirage Festival, Lyon, FR
Exhibition and Performance, CYNETART, Festspielhaus Hellerau, Dresden, DE
Exhibition update#6, New Technology Art Award, Ghent, BE
Exhibition Interference, Kikk Festival, Namur, BE
Vernissage with MASSES and STONES at Ars Electronica Museum, Linz, AT
A/V Performance Orbits at Fulldome UK, Leicester, UK
A/V Performance Orbits at Retune Festival, Berlin, DE
Exhibition and Talk at Radical Atoms, Ars Electronica Festival 2016, Linz, AT
Performance Orbits during Ars Electronica Festival 2016, DeepSpace, Linz, AT
Exhibition at UAMO Festival, München, DE
Exhibition at Galerie Villa Bosch, Radolfzell, DE
Exhibition at PIKSEL 15, Bergen, NO
Exhibition ‘Digital Migration’ at Paraflows X. – Festival für Digitale Kunst und Kulturen, Wien, AT
Ars Electronica Festival, CyberArts Exhibition 2015, Linz, AT
Exhibition at ARTTEC Festival, Bogota, CO
Exhibition ‘The Informed Body’ at NODE 15, Frankfurt, DE
Audiovisual Performance ‘Visions of America: Amériques’ , Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles, USA
Exhibition at TADAEX 04 – Tehran Annual Digital Art Exhibition, Tehran, IR
Projection Mapping at Festival of Lights at Metropolpark, Students project with Florian Kühnle, BTK, Berlin, DE
Exhibition, Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle/Saale, DE
Theater performance with Wojtek Ziemilski at EMPAC, Troy, Upstate New York, USA
Theater performance with Wojtek Ziemilski at Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw, PL
Projection Mapping at Lichtrouten, Lüdenscheid, DE
Interactive Installation at Gropius-Passagen, Berlin, DE
Exhibition ‘Helmke(1)curious’, Helmkehof, Hannover, DE
Exhibition ‘Videosoundart’ at Castello Sforzesco, Mailand, IT
Projection Mapping at International Digital Arts Biennial (BIAN), Montreal, CA
Exhibition ‘Yellow, ethical, self-explanatory, … ‘, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, DE
Interactive Installation Arts&About, Sydney, AU
Solo Exhibition, Städtische Galerie Engen, DE
Projection Mapping at Lange Nacht der Museen, Berlin, DE
Exhibition, Kunsthalle Platoon, Berlin, DE
Exhibition ‘1:x – the invisible part of the iceberg’, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, DE
Live visuals C3 Festival, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, DE
Projection Mapping, Usine, Geneva, CH
Exhibition chaos creates structure, Schmiede11, Salzburg, AT
Live visuals, Ars Electronica Festival, Brucknerhaus, Linz, AT
Exhibition ‘addicted to Love’, Die schöne Stadt Galerie, Halle/Saale, DE
Exhibition ‘Rustin Ruins of Utopia’, Essential Existence Gallery, Leipzig, DE
Projection mapping Alemana en Barcelona, Arc de Triomf, Barcelona, ES
Interactive Installation, Goethe Institut, Barcelona, ES
Stipendiatenausstellung, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, TUR
Exhibition ‘mesum Teresa’, Electrovisiones, Mexico City, MEX
Exhibition, sound:frame, Vienna, AT
Exhibition, Schmiede10, Salzburg, AT
Projection Mapping, Ars Electronica, Linz, AT
Exhibition Art of Engineering, Deutschen Technikmuseum, Berlin, DE
Projection Mapping, Zeche Zollverein, Saana Cube, Essen, DE
Exhibition UFO Galerie, Halle/Saale, DE
Exhibition, Bellerive, Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, CH
Exhibition, Uamo Festival, Munich, DE
Exhibition, Paraflows 09 – festival for digital arts and cultures, Vienna, AT
Projection Mapping, Santralistanbul, Istanbul, TUR
Exhibition at The Modern Art Museum Santralistanbul, Istanbul, TUR
Interactive Installation, RISC, Hagenberg, AT
Exhibition, Ars Electronica, Linz, AT
Interactive Installation, Stadtbad, Halle/Saale, DE
Exhibition Impasse, Designpreis Halle, DE