Pixel Errors of Very Large Telescopes I – III

Original images from telescopes of the European Southern Observatories (ESO) in Chile are used for this serie of prints. The pictures embody the raw calibration data of the instruments of the telescopes at Paranal, the pure noise of the magnificient machines themselves. The large pixelated greyscale photo prints are derived from camera sensors working with visible light waves, for another series sensors working in the near-infrared spectrum are used to laser-engrave black anodized aluminium plates (here). Freed from their original context, the clean aesthetic power of a scientific by-product emerges. The scientist’s noise turned into the artist’s signal.
print on alu-dibond
size: 144.5 × 73.0 cm
print on alu-dibond
size: 144.5 × 73.0 cm
print on alu-dibond
size: 144.5 × 75.8 cm